
Clair McIntyre
Next Event
I'm taking a little bit of a hiatus, so far I've booked in for one show in the next six weeks, I might try for a couple of more but stay tune for more shows coming up late September/early October

Night of Redemption
Book Trailer
So here's the trailer for Night of Redemption, a special thanks to Jason Shannon for helping me film and edit the movie. Surprisingly it was easier than I thought it would be and I'm really impressed with how it turned out.
Shadowy Stillness
Book Trailer
Here's book two, Shadowy Stillness. I learned my lesson, having a lit fire pit during a snow storm may look cool, but it's a total jerk thing to light. However a bottle of lighter fluid and two whole news papers later, it still looks really cool.
Dangerous Realms
Book Trailer
This is the last book trailer for a while, it turned out looking pretty cool if I do say so my self. I like how the tree came out for Dangerous Realms because a certain tree plays a huge part to the story. That's all I'm going to say for now, you'll have to wait until the book comes out for more info. ;p
The Last Defender
The Final Halsin novel, I working my little tail off to make it the biggest baddest one yet. Though Memphis Halsin vs Karanthos, Horseman of Pestilence, who will win? :)
Predator's Prey
The first Royal House of Galadin story, Predator's Prey, meet Falcon, the arrogant, yet awesome (author's opinion but I'm sure he'll become a fan favourite too) assassin, who's out to save his soul mate from her own fear and a deadly enemy who's out for more than revenge.
Ask the Author
This is a new section that I'm adding for anyone who questions about the story or upcoming plots. If you have any questions you can post them on my Facebook page here or email me at clair.mcintyre@gmail.com. I will also be setting up a blog very soon so questions can be posed directly on it.